Plenty of Black college students want to be teachers, so why don’t they end up in classrooms?

A growing problem in American classrooms is that teachers don’t resemble the students they teach. Eighty percent of the nation’s 3.8 million public school teachers are white, but over half of their students are Black, Hispanic, Asian, Native American and mixed races. The small slice of Black teachers has actually shrunk slightly over the past decade from 7% in 2011–12 to 6% in 2020–21, while Black students make up a much larger 15% share of the public school student population.
A Black teacher can make a positive difference for Black children. Research has shown that Black students are less likely to be suspended and more likely to be placed in gifted classes when they are taught by Black teachers. Studies have often found that Black students learn more from teachers of the same race.
Teacher diversity statistics in 2020-21. Public school teachers are overwhelmingly white but most students are not.
Chart from the website of the National Center for Education Statistics. (2023). Cha..